Saturday, September 19, 2020

#Day7 = #21DaysToGo

 Today’s theme is Favorite Movie

I love watching movie. I have ups and downs about what is the most favorite one. Sometimes cartoon or anime was interest me but later I found criminal was better, but lately I have to claim that maybe the best of all movies is Klaus. It’s my comfort movie. It’s one of a few movies that I had to pause several times because it’s just too good so I’m not tough to end it.

It’s cartoon tho..  or anime ? I don’t know what are the differences. LOL. it’s an original Netflix movie that was released on November 2019. Based on Wikipedia, Klaus not only won many awards, such as : Best Animated Film  on British Academy Film Award, Annie Award for some categories, and Best Ibero-American Animation Feature Film on Quirino Award, but also it was nominated for various awards like Academy Award even Oscar.

No doubt because this movie is just magnificent, lovely, precious, or everything you name it. Klaus is about a postman named Jesper that was given task by his father to send many letters on the desolate island. On his journey, he met a woodsman, Klaus. Klaus is a gigantic gloomy man and Jesper is a lazy yet ingenious man. Together, they made a change distinctive to the children there.

One thing that made me amazed is this movie could be the picturesque way to introduce Santa Claus. It’s not related to any religion, everything on this movie is just makes sense. Why there are reindeers to the trim, the flying trim, why it’s related to children and toys, and how do only the good child gets the present. It’s packed beautifully. i feel touched at the end of the movie. it’s really great movie.. go and watch it guys !

Well, on this my 21 days to go.. actually I’m cheating. This writing is supposedly published yesterday but I was tired. My family and I had a major plan to visit my grandfather and my grandmother graves on Wonosari. I want to ask  their blessing for my wedding, besides there were some another plans to do. We were strolling around for hours. It was tiring and so when I went home, I laid down straight away into my bed ~    

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