Monday, October 19, 2020

#Day25 = #9DaysAfter

Still on the same day, same place, except I have to charge my laptop and my mobile phone to continue this challenge, so I have to move near the electric socket. Okay, let’s move to the theme !

The theme is something inspired of the 11th image on your phone.

this is my 11th photo on my galery

This photo was taken yesterday, when my husband want to take out the vehicle registration to apartment broker. She wanted to manage free parking on the apartment and the requirements include photo of vehicle registration.  While he was busy prepared our new room, I just had a seat, sipped my ice tea and took a candid of him. I didn’t know anything about moving, especially apartment. This is my first time, even entering the apartment. I have no idea about this.

The reason I took the candid of him because I intended to share it, first I want to make it my instagram/ whatsapp story with the caption, ‘thank you my sugar daddy for the apartment’ LOL. Note : actually this is not my cup of tea to share this things, so I just giggled, and thought about the other caption. But later, maybe it’s unnecessary. Then I wanted to share with my mother and sister. I like to share everything to them. After I took that, I felt it’s still useless so I did nothing.. and for someone who dosen't know anything, one thing i could do is not to bother. Hahaha.. at least I could capture the moment ;p moment when I feel he's so responsible yet so cool. He's, always.. but that time was more than the usual ;p

I have a ‘problem’ with sharing on my social media. I haven’t posted a photo for a year ! even my engagement, pre-wedding, and wedding aren’t there yet. I don’t know.. but I feel timid to update my own life with others. I enjoy living on my ‘cave’, share my story to certain people. My bad, sometimes I think too much about people mind about me. I don’t like being in spotlight, when I have to share my wedding to some whatsapp groups, I’m not comfortable because I knew they will congratule me. I love it since I realize they pray the good things to me, they still remember and respect me, but still feel shy being the center of the chit chat.

I have other account for both my instagram and my twitter. Simply because I can share everything freely. Not everyone has the privilege to be my friends both in the accounts *LOL, WHO ARE YOU NEN, hahaha.. even I don’t have any mutual friend in my twitter. It’s like I talk alone in a room full of unknown people, and I LOVE IT ^^

Okay then, that’s my story for the theme. See you in another writing !

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