Thursday, October 8, 2020

#Day22 = #6DaysToGo

Today’s theme is write about today.

To be honest, this supposed to be written on 3rd October 2020. At that time I was sitting on my room, waiting for the patient. I was on laboratory clinic, substituted my junior. It was bored, but I was happy that everything went good. Plus, I had to go there last year, and the other officer still remember me :,) it turned not that bored tho.. since I couldn’t write my writing there. LOL.

The actual today, is 8th October 2020. Tomorrow is my ‘seserahan, siraman, midodareni’ time. Today’s another hectic day. I couldn’t write because of my hectic days >.< yet I’m sooooo happy today, by the way. We made a decoration for my siraman, and it goes to good !! we didn’t use any Wedding Organizer yet Wedding decoration for tomorrow, but I am excited because our (not so) hand-made decoration is adorable. It’s simple, but I did know the struggle behind the preparation so I am proud of us ! we don’t want to spend much money for our ‘simple’ siraman, but yeah.. I think we spend MORE. Hahaha.. my mother made two new tables, bought some pots, flowers, mat, tablecloth, and the flowers chain. But when I look at our decoration, yeahhh.. it has to be remembered. Not much I could say on this writing but I will give some before-after decoration.

our first attempt for decoration

i edited it as a draft :))

(not yet) final decoration. the tablecloth is not used yet. hihihi.. but i'm still happy :")

Well.. for wy wedding preparation.. I really think that manicure-pedicure, body scrub, and other body treatments was in issue ! I couldn’t have time for doing that ! LOL. I was busy for small things for the preparation. Wedding book, wedding guide book, photos, whoaaaa… this is really a moment to remember. If marriage is a teamwork, YES IT IS. Since for the preparation needs MUCH TEAM WORK. Not only by the two people, but also the whole family. We have to put out head together and that’s not easy y’all. it contains tears, sweat yet swears. Ups. Hahaha.. God bless our plans. Amen.   

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