Siapa yang tak pernah mendengar pelecehan dan kekerasan seksual ? Pasti semua orang tahu, atau bahkan pernah mengalaminya. Pelecehan dan kekerasan seksual, memang serupa, tapi tak sama. Ada yang menyebut pelecehan termasuk ke dalam kekerasan seksual per definisinya, namun dalam perbincangan dan kasus sehari hari masih tumpang tindih untuk pengaplikasiannya. Kurasa hal ini amat berpengaruh terutama untuk penentuan pasal pasal dalam hukum terkait dengan pidana yang akan digunakan di pengadilan.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Tentang Pelecehan dan Kekerasan Seksual
Thursday, January 14, 2021
#Day30 = #3MonthsPlus4DaysAfter
The theme is write about what do you feel when you write.
Hi ! finally we reach into the
last theme of 30 days writing challenge. Even I can’t make it continuously,
some days I had to whether skip or make few writes on the same day, but I am happy
to finish this challenge. This is my second challenge I’ve been finished, first
on May 2020 I joined another writing challenge, it was a competition, the theme
was free, and I decided to write a long story with the title, ‘Kelana’. The story
was about a man named Kelana who had an adventure to find a gold lotus in order
to save the princess from an evil witch. I didn’t win the challenge, obviously.
Hahaha.. however, I was satisfied to finished it as well.
Back to the theme, about what I feel
when write, I feel relieve.
By writing, I could release and
realize what I feel. I feel confident to share my story through this platform. I
am not a social media person, my last photo in instagram was more than a year ago.
LOL. I rarely post on my instagram, I don’t feel comfortable to share on that
media. Different from instagram, I openly share everything on my blog, even
sometimes I felt too open here. Hahaha.. when I wasn’t post anything on my
instagram in 2020, I posted more than 40 writes on my blog. I like blog because
it’s so old for some people and almost none of my friends using this. It’s like
I can fulfill my willingness to update my life online, but there’s no a reader.
And I am feeling comfortable with that. Hahahaha.. if someone throws a question
to me, ‘hey, you never post anything on your instagram or twitter’ then I will
say, ‘I did.. on my blog’. Case closed. Hahahha..
I am giggle when write this
because it’s true.
Reading back on the previous post
on this challenge is like a life journey. When I wrote the first day, I hadn’t
married yet, I was with my mother.. and then on the day 30, my life is
changing. I was worried about everything and I am still worry, but my thought
was the same : surrender. There are many things I want to share, why I end up
here, how, and so on. Maybe later I will tell my magical (?) or naïve (?)
Okay then, thank you for reading
this post. Yey I can finish this challenge !
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
#Day29 = #3MonthsPlus2DaysAfter
The theme is My goals for the future
HEY ! long time not to write..
but I really think I still have an owe to finish this challenge. It’s a long challenge
tho, it’s capturing some life-changing moments in me. Takes some times just to accept
what was happened and will happen to me both now and in the future.
Short story, at November 2020 I went
to a psychiatrist and she diagnosed me with adjustment disorder related with
depression and anxiety. She wanted to give me medication, BUT she couldn’t
because… I’m pregnant. Yes… there are many things happened to my life in blink of
eye. Only in 30 days, everything has changed. She suggested me to have some
brain therapy; she said there would be some cables on my head, and they will
analyze my brain electricity. I said I couldn’t go to the where the therapy
should be done because it was far from my home and I couldn’t tell anybody yet
about my condition. And then, here I am, still struggling with my own
condition; sometimes some bad thought flashed, luckily I am sober enough to
kick it away.
Sooo.. here some of my short life
changing :
1. marriage on 10th
October 2020
I guess I’ve told about my
wedding on my previous story. Yeah, marriage was my first step to leave my
comfortable home to go out face the other side of life that I’ve never seen
before. I am happy, but it still challenging, how I deal with my husband, make
some BIG decisions for our life, sometimes we had an argue, but the willing to
forgive and accept and tolerance (and put you name it), made a marriage works, doesn’t
it ?
By marriage, I have to face that I
have to go out from my town, leaving my mother to be with my husband. It’s not
a requirement, but a choice. As I said before, as a newly wed, we had to make
big decisions and this is an example.
2. be accepted as a civil servant
on 30th October 2020
I don’t how to express this
feeling. First I was happy because I’ve got a job, but the sacrifices were just
too much. Is it worth it ? I have to go out from this island –not only town,
but also island-, being alone, far away from both my family and husband,
furthermore, I don’t know how long this condition will happen. Some says that I
can ask for mutation, but the bureaucracy is very complicated and then we have
to spare a big amount of money. Oh God……..
3. pregnant, known at 8th
November 2020
Yeah.. first time I knew I was
pregnant I couldn’t say any words and so did my husband. We both silenced and
stared at each other. Of course we happy, but with my condition.. alone in
separate island, far away from everyone we know well.. i want to have some
times to adapt and here there is a little angel.
Our journey for these past three
months was crazy. I had to go to Tangerang, Bogor, Bali, and Lampung within a
month. The next weekend, I had my way back to Yogyakarta then two weeks later I
came again to Lampung, and I decided to Jakarta after spent a week in Lampung,
a week later I back to Yogyakarta, then next week I went to Lampung again, then
Palembang, last I back to Lampung. It’s crazy, isn’t it ?
I had milestones as a pregnant
women : Hyperemersis gravidarum, constipation, changing body temperature, with arrhythmia
and fatigue. Yeah, a little journey.
Let’s go back to the theme.
For many life changing I’ve
experienced, my goals are really turns 180 degrees. Firstly, I want to have a
great carrier, as a civil servant on the other Java, I thought I will have a
chance to thrive (to be honest that’s my biggest solace living here). And then I
pregnant, my goals become different. My only goal for now is my child. I just
think about him/her (I don’t know the gender yet). Every time I pray, I pray
for my child. For the first time, I think when eating. What should I eat ? what’s
the nutrition I didn’t get today, I have to add it tomorrow. I tried to stay
sane and healthy for my child (yeah, I almost cry while writing this). When the first I thought about further
education, then I thought about my child education here. I don’t have any high
expectation tho, remembering my mental health is important as well.. I think
being health physically and mentally are my another goal.
okay, I think that’s for the
writing. Thanks for whoever reading this. I want to tell you that I am okay, I still
think clearly and do nothing stupid ^^ hahaha..
Pilihan untuk Menjadi Ibu yang Bekerja
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