Thursday, January 14, 2021

#Day30 = #3MonthsPlus4DaysAfter

The theme is write about what do you feel when you write.

Hi ! finally we reach into the last theme of 30 days writing challenge. Even I can’t make it continuously, some days I had to whether skip or make few writes on the same day, but I am happy to finish this challenge. This is my second challenge I’ve been finished, first on May 2020 I joined another writing challenge, it was a competition, the theme was free, and I decided to write a long story with the title, ‘Kelana’. The story was about a man named Kelana who had an adventure to find a gold lotus in order to save the princess from an evil witch. I didn’t win the challenge, obviously. Hahaha.. however, I was satisfied to finished it as well.

Back to the theme, about what I feel when write, I feel relieve.

By writing, I could release and realize what I feel. I feel confident to share my story through this platform. I am not a social media person, my last photo in instagram was more than a year ago. LOL. I rarely post on my instagram, I don’t feel comfortable to share on that media. Different from instagram, I openly share everything on my blog, even sometimes I felt too open here. Hahaha.. when I wasn’t post anything on my instagram in 2020, I posted more than 40 writes on my blog. I like blog because it’s so old for some people and almost none of my friends using this. It’s like I can fulfill my willingness to update my life online, but there’s no a reader. And I am feeling comfortable with that. Hahahaha.. if someone throws a question to me, ‘hey, you never post anything on your instagram or twitter’ then I will say, ‘I did.. on my blog’. Case closed. Hahahha..

I am giggle when write this because it’s true.     

Reading back on the previous post on this challenge is like a life journey. When I wrote the first day, I hadn’t married yet, I was with my mother.. and then on the day 30, my life is changing. I was worried about everything and I am still worry, but my thought was the same : surrender. There are many things I want to share, why I end up here, how, and so on. Maybe later I will tell my magical (?) or naïve (?) story.

Okay then, thank you for reading this post. Yey I can finish this challenge !

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